Important Information for Visitors from India

 Hello and welcome!

We noticed that you might have been searching for, and we want to clarify that you have landed on i-ccessories.coma completely different website.

We are based in the US and specialize exclusively in selling Apple Watch Bands. We do not offer iPhone cases, headphones, chargers, screen protectors, or any other accessories.
Additionally, we do take orders from people outside the United States & canada, and we do not ship products outside the United States & Canada.


If You’re Looking for

We are aware that many customers have experienced issues with, such as not receiving their orders. Unfortunately, we are not affiliated with, and therefore, we are unable to assist with any issues related to orders placed on that website.


What You Can Do:

If you’ve encountered problems with, we recommend the following steps:

1. Visit their website at and go to their Contact Us page to reach out to them directly for resolution.

2. Dispute the transaction with your bank or PayPal to recover your funds.

3. File a complaint with the government using the National Consumer Helpline. Be sure to specify that the website in question is

4. If necessary, you can also report the issue to the police.


We hope this information helps resolve your concerns, and we wish you the best in finding a solution.


Have a great day, and thank you for visiting our website.

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